Monday, June 2, 2008

Stars with bad acne and mild acne

However, before you do go out and try one of the many natural acne treatments on your own, you have to understand one thing: what works for one person's acne problem may not work for you. Surely you have friends who would be glad to offer you inputs and suggestions on how one particular natural acne cure did the trick for him or her. And you just might be tempted to try out that method because it did do wonders for your friend. But you have to understand that there are many different causes of acne. These causes have to be determined so that the appropriate method can be used for you. And the only way to do this is to consult your doctor first. This way, your doctor can determine which particular natural acne cure you should try out, in the hopes of improving your condition altogether.
Regardless of what kind of homemade solution you may wish to try out, it is important to note that doing it with a sense of dedication can further yield positive results. Rubbing your skin with any of those treatments mentioned above will not help eliminate your zits instantly. There is no instant cure, after all. So whatever homemade acne treatment you prefer, apply it following a strict set of rules which should continue for over a period of time.
Benzoyl peroxide or else salicylic acid are simple chemicals, normally found in over-the-counter face washes as well as scrubs. Regular usage of these products will help you keep your skin clean and plain without depending on the harsh prescription drugs.
tags: child rapid growth, sleep disorder, weight gain, acne,, acne diets what not to eat, remedies to get rid off acne scars

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