Monday, June 2, 2008

Secret food cures acne and reduce acne

Acne scarring is an unfortunate reality for many people who have had acne for a while and have finally been able to get rid of it, but found out that some nasty, permanent scars are left in place of the acne!
Acne treatment is not only limited to treating pimples and blemishes. It also involves removing impurities such as blackheads and whiteheads. Blackheads are a type of acne vulgaris and are also known as open comedones. It is mainly caused by excess sebum that clogged the pores. When excess oils are combined with trapped toxins and subsequently exposed to oxidization, blackhead becomes the result. People with oily and combination skin types often have blackhead problems, especially around the T-zone area. Blackheads that are left untreated can lead to unsightly enlarged pores.
Saw Palmetto - This herbal dietary supplement interferes with hormone production in both males and females which makes it ideal for pre-menstrual breakouts and breakouts associated with puberty.
tags: kojic acid cause acne, stiefel sulfur soap for acne treatment, citrus fruits bad for acne

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