Monday, August 4, 2008

Pills for acne anti biotics and bananas cause acne

2. If you still have several days or even a week before that big date, you may want to try using the more natural acne remedies. Try eating more vegetables and fruits. You can also try to do relaxing activities and avoid getting stressed as stress is one of the leading factors of acne. Keep your face clean and avoid touching your face with your hands or anything that is dirty. Steer clear of junk foods and fatty foods too.
Use medicated products. Do not squeeze pimples. Sea food should be totally avoided since it contains iodine which makes the existing acne worse. Also, avoid the consumption of refined
Acne is not a lot of fun to suddenly wake up to one day. Imagine, you have had a wonderful life so far. Your family loves you, you are popular at school and love to be the center of attention. The next thing you know, you wake up and discover that you now have something almost as bad as the chicken pox, except this will not go away! Horrors! It's acne!!
tags: acne home pimples remedy, coq10 can cause acne, how to remove acne scars home

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